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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Better than I deserve...

The other day, I quoted and reflected on a book I read by CJ Mahaney. At the end of the book, he told a short story that I've been thinking about ever since.

Mahaney was reflecting on how amazing it is to receive such abundant grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus. People ask us, usually multiple times a day, "How are you?", or a casual "Hey, how ya doin' today?" We often shrug these comments off and give short answers that are more often than not, lies. "Oh, I'm fine," we'll say, "I'm good!", adding this obligatory "How are you?" for the sake of being polite.

Mahaney often responds, "Better than I deserve". Surely this kind of response would be met with raised eyebrows, and hopefully, a question. Mahaney takes that chance to explain why he's better than he deserves. Namely, because we, as sinners, deserve only punishment and condemnation. We deserve hell.

Yet, by the grace of God, we are here - living and breathing - going about our days, complaining about the cold.

Yeah, it's cold out there. But I'm better than I deserve, that's for sure. I'll encourage you to use this phrase, or one similar - it's a bold move to be sure - but it's one that is sure to open up conversations!

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