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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Quote...

This is a thought provoking quote (at least I found it to be) from Tim Challies blog. Spend a moment reading it and thinking about how it applies to your life...

" occurred to me as I spoke that many Christians are perhaps like me when I drive--they rely on someone or something to give them the easy answers without having to do the hard work themselves. And perhaps pastors are sometimes prone to simply give out the answers without helping the men and women of their churches learn to think for themselves. After all, if a person approaches me with a question related to theology or the Christian life, I have different options available to me. I can simply respond with my understanding as if what I say is undoubtedly true, or I can help that person find the answer on his own. While I will grant that there are times when a short answer is fitting, more often, I think, we do well to teach people to think independently. It is better, I am convinced, to send people to the Bible where they can sort out the directions on their own, following turn-by-turn, so that they truly understand where they have come from and where they are going. In this way they learn to think for themselves, they learn to search the Scriptures, they learn to think biblically.

It is easy and even comforting perhaps, to rely on that simple and automatic guidance. But it is far better, I am sure, that we learn to do the work for ourselves. As for me? Well, I still use the GPS but I'm learning that I need to supplement it with my own research. Too often it has told me where to go, only to find that I don't know where I am or where I've been. It's great for what it is, but I can't let myself trust it implicitly."

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